
Showing posts from September, 2010

International conference Örebro 24-25 September 2010

Nya Jerusalem Internationella församlingen bjuder er att delta i en internationella konferens i Örebro under teman : “Bli stilla och besinna att Han är Gud ”(Psa 46:10) The International church New Jerusalem invites you to an International conference in Örebro under the this theme : “Bi still and know that He is God ”(Psalm 46:10) L'eglise Internationale Nouvelle Jerusalem vous invite à une conférence internationale qui aura lieu à Örebro sous le thème: “Soyez calmes et sachez qu'IL est Dieu ”(Psa 46:10) Program: – fredag/Friday/vendredi: 24/9-2010: 17.30 – 20.30 – Lördag/Saturday/Samedi 25/9-2010: 12.00- 19.00 Talare/Preachers/Orateurs: Apostel Nickens Kobanghe Pastor Jules Tangata Hanna Stålarv Kobanghe Fleury Ndongozi Plats: NBV konferenscenter A-huset Jordgatan 6, Örebro (bara ett stenkast från Krämaren) Kontakt: 076 247 50 38 M...

The Three Great Virtues

"Now abideth faith, hope and love; and the greatest of these is love." (1 Corinthians 13:13). Virtue, by definition, is moral strength and beauty. It is not a passive quality admired by onlookers like a work of art in a museum. Rather, it is a dynamic grace displayed in a thousand noble acts on the highways and byways of daily life. Even the most ordinary among us can be extraordinarily virtuous. Of all the great virtues that can be listed, and there are indeed many — the three greatest are Faith, Hope, and Love. It is to these three things that all mankind aspires, for Life is at its best and brightest when these three combine together and lift us above and beyond the lures and limits of lesser things. Without Faith, our lives began to diminish with the increase of gnawing doubts and mounting suspicions. We lose the innocence and sense of wonder that makes dreams come true. One must believe in order to be living. "My heart has no desire to stay where doubts arise and fe...