Do you want a big catch? Go into deep water

Luk 5:1-6
"1 On one occasion, while the crowd was pressing in on him to hear the word of God, he was standing by the lake of Gennesaret, 2 and he saw two boats by the lake, but the fishermen had gone out of them and were washing their nets. 3 Getting into one of the boats, which was Simon's, he asked him to put out a little from the land. And he sat down and taught the people from the boat. 4 And when he had finished speaking, he said to Simon, "Put out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch." 5 And Simon answered, "Master, we toiled all night and took nothing! But at your word I will let down the nets." 6 And when they had done this, they enclosed a large number of fish, and their nets were breaking. "

In these particular verses of the fifth chapter of the gospel of Luke, we see how the fishermen were tired after a whole night work without any catch. They were experienced fishers but on that special night their experience couldn't help them to get what they wanted.
Like these fishermen, we sometimes lean on our experience, intelligence and at times on our own strength in some situations in our lives. But somehow and somewhere we find ourselves blocked and unable to solve some problems. The experience, wisdom, intelligence, money, ... cannot solve all the problems. We fail at times where we normally used to succeed.

Then came Jesus to them and borrowed their boats for the purpose of preaching the gospel. After He preached he told the fishermen to go in deep water for a catch. Simon tried to explain to Him how difficult the night was and how, despite their experience in that area, they couldn't get anything during the whole night.
Like Simon, we sometimes explain to the Savior many things as if we were more experienced than Him. We explained why our marriage failed, why we can't get that job because of lack of qualification, etc....
But Simon said something that touched my heart. He said "But at your word I will let down the nets..." We need to react according to the words of God and not according to what people said. His word can change our life and our destiny. We can succeed where we once failed. We can go against all odds and see Him doing things beyond our expectations by obeying His word.

Jesus told them to go in deep water. He knew exactly where the fishes were because he created them and He controls everything. The deep water can be understood as the deep relationship we must have with our Lord and Savior. Dear beloved one, depth calls depth. We need to go from superficial things to deep things. For that we need to go deeper and deeper in our relation, commitment and intimacy with God. That will bring us to be more than blessed; it will make us to be really His.

No matter how many times we failed in our life, no matter how difficult it may looks like, one thing we need to do: to go in deep water (Obeying God's word, deep relationship, commitment with God) then we will get a catch that eyes have ever seen, ears have ever heard,.... a catch that will be heavy for us to bear alone. We will not only be blessed, but we will be a blessing to others and most of all we will learn how to be His.

May the Lord bless you all!!!!!



Jules MT said…
I entered for the first time in this site today and i am really blessed by this message and many other things. I believe that this is a strong foundation for many wonderful things to come, for the glory of Jesus.

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