Hold on, it is not over yet

As we are entering the last month of this year 2011 and as we are embrassing the new year 2012, I want to encourage everyone who thinks that what he/she hoped for during this year 2011 can't be accomplished anymore. And if you think that God has forgotten you because you have not yet recieved what you wanted,I have good news for you, it is not over yet.
Isaiah 49:14-15 says:" But Zion said, “The LORD has forsaken me,And my Lord has forgotten me.” “ Can a woman forget her nursing child, And not have compassion on the son of her womb? Surely they may forget, Yet I will not forget you."

Maybe you have already lost your hope and faith, you feel abondonned and rejected by people and God. It is as if the doors of Heaven are closed for you or it seems as if God has forgotten about you; He hasn't.
He has formed you in His own image and likeness and He said :”I will not forget you ”The Lord has not forgotten you. He is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we can ask or think.(Ephesians 3:20)
I want to assure you that God can still do it in a twinkling of an eye. He did it for Joseph when He changed his situation in one day, from a prisoner to a governor. (Genesis 41:41).God can still do it and bring your dreams to become real.

You haven't yet seen what you expected to have during this year 2011 but I want to tell you that the year is not yet over. Don't give up on God because He never gives up on you.

This last month of 2011, expect to recieve something from God. Hold on a little bit 'cause God want to surprise you. All you need is to have faith in Him, be determined and disciplined as Joseph was, and you will see the fullfilment of God's promises for you.

Nothing is impossible to our God.
There is no problem too big the God cannot solve,
No sickness He cannot heal,
No miracle which God cannot do,
No prayer which He cannot answer,
No sinner too lost in their sin that God cannot save,
No back-slider too far from God that God a cannot restore,
No city too hard that God cannot bring a mighty revival too.
For our God is well able to do far above all that we ask or think…He is able to do!

The end of this year doesn't mean the end of your life. And God never depends on time and circumstances but He changes the times and the seasons (Daniel 2: 21)

God bless you all


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