Get out of the boat
Last Sunday we had a common sunday service in Stadsparken in Örebro, where all the churches and congregations gathered. The theme of the day was "freedom in Jesus," and I had the benefit of being one of intercessors during the service and I prayed for Orebro, salvation and unity among Christians. The City park (stadsparken) was full of children and adults, young and old and all gathered to celebrate our savior. When I saw how much people were there, something in my mind told me that we will have such a service at the city's football stadium namely Behrn Arena which is much larger and can accommodate more than twenty thousand spectators. I wondered how we would ever gather so many people when everything we read and see shows that Sweden is becoming more and more secularized, when the good Christian values are no longer regarded as the pillar of society but as something that does not fit in or have a place in today's society. When I got home, I and my wife sat and...