Get out of the boat

Last Sunday we had a common sunday service in Stadsparken in Örebro, where all the churches and congregations gathered. The theme of the day was "freedom in Jesus," and I had the benefit of being one of intercessors during the service and I prayed for Orebro, salvation and unity among Christians.

The City park (stadsparken) was full of children and adults, young and old and all gathered to celebrate our savior. When I saw how much people were there, something in my mind told me that we will have such a service at the city's football stadium namely Behrn Arena which is much larger and can accommodate more than twenty thousand spectators. I wondered how we would ever gather so many people when everything we read and see shows that Sweden is becoming more and more secularized, when the good Christian values ​​are no longer regarded as the pillar of society but as something that does not fit in or have a place in today's society.

When I got home, I and my wife sat and watch the movie The Grace Card, which is about two policemen, Mac and Sam, who despite their differences and struggle in their lives could get along and help each other. Sam also worked part-time as a pastor in a local church and during a sermon he talked about how difficult it was for him to love and to work with someone who hates him because of the color of his skin. Sam's grandfather, a retired evangelist, explained to him that God's grace is not only words, but it is effective and can transform a hateful heart to a loving heart and he does not need to hate his collegue, but should show love and be helpful. In other words, he wanted to say that Sam must step out of the boat and get closer to his workmate and build relationship with him. At the end work buddy Mac got saved and could forgive himself and forgive anyone who hurted him.

 The film opened my eyes and I could now understand how the football stadium I thought about during the service could be filled with Jesus' disciples, not just football fans. We need to get closer to people, we have to build relationships and "step out of the boat." In Sweden, it is not well accepted to stand out, to be different. But to be able to see the revival churches must dare "to stand out and get out of the boat," do something different and reach people where they are.

Paul writes in Romans 10:14-15 "How then shall they call on which they have not believed in? And how shall they believe in that which they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they preach, except they be sent? .... "

In our church programs, we must prioritize differently, congregations must sometimes come out of church buildings and search people instead of people to seek congregations. Let us build relationships with people who will in their turn build relationship with God.

"Our Lord Jesus Christ's grace, God's love and the Holy Spirit be with you"

Fleury Ndongozi

New Jerusalem International Church in Örebro


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