Topic: Jesus can and will do it again!

Scripture: John 21:3-14

”Simon Peter said to them, “I am going fishing.” They said to him, “We are going with you also.” They went out and immediately got into the boat, and that night they caught nothing. But when the morning had now come, Jesus stood on the shore; yet the disciples did not know that it was Jesus. Then Jesus said to them, “Children, have you any food?” They answered Him, “No.” And He said to them, “Cast the net on the right side of the boat, and you will find some.” So they cast, and now they were not able to draw it in because of the multitude of fish. Therefore that disciple whom Jesus loved said to Peter, “It is the Lord!” Now when Simon Peter heard that it was the Lord, he put on his outer garment (for he had removed it), and plunged into the sea. But the other disciples came in the little boat (for they were not far from land, but about two hundred cubits), dragging the net with fish. Then, as soon as they had come to land, they saw a fire of coals there, and fish laid on it, and bread. Jesus said to them, “Bring some of the fish which you have just caught.” Simon Peter went up and dragged the net to land, full of large fish, one hundred and fifty-three; and although there were so many, the net was not broken. Jesus said to them, “Come and eat breakfast.” Yet none of the disciples dared ask Him, “Who are You?”—knowing that it was the Lord. Jesus then came and took the bread and gave it to them, and likewise the fish. This is now the third time Jesus showed Himself to His disciples after He was raised from the dead.“


I. Return to the Familiar

Just as Peter and the disciples returned to fishing, we often find ourselves seeking comfort in the familiar when faced with uncertainty or disappointment. Despite being seasoned fishermen, their efforts that night yielded no catch. This reflects our human tendency to rely on our own understanding and efforts rather than turning to Jesus for guidance and provision. However, like Peter and the disciples, we may find emptiness in our endeavors without Jesus at the center of our lives.

II. Unseen Guidance

Despite their toiling through the night, the disciples couldn't see Jesus on the shore until the morning. Similarly, in our darkest moments, Jesus may be present, guiding us, even if unseen. This highlights the importance of faith and trust in God's presence and guidance, even when we cannot perceive it with our physical senses. Just as Jesus watched over the disciples from the shore, He is always watching over us, ready to provide guidance and support when we need it most.

III. Divine Intervention

Jesus's instruction to cast the net on the right side of the boat resulted in an abundance of fish. This serves as a powerful reminder of the miraculous interventions possible when we align our actions with His guidance. Despite their exhaustion and frustration, the disciples obeyed Jesus's command, and their obedience led to an overwhelming blessing. This illustrates the importance of obedience and faithfulness in following Jesus's instructions, even when they may seem unconventional or contrary to our own understanding.

IV. Recognition through Revelation 

The disciple whom Jesus loved recognized Him first, indicating a deep spiritual insight. Sometimes, it takes spiritual discernment to recognize Jesus in our lives, especially during times of confusion or despair. This highlights the importance of cultivating a close relationship with Jesus through prayer, study of Scripture, and fellowship with other believers. As we deepen our relationship with Him, we become more attuned to His presence and more able to recognize His work in our lives.

V. Eager Response

Peter's response to recognizing Jesus was immediate—he plunged into the sea to reach Him as quickly as possible. Easter calls us to respond eagerly to the presence of Jesus in our lives, leaving behind distractions and doubts. Peter's eagerness to be with Jesus serves as a powerful example for us to follow, reminding us of the joy and fulfillment that come from being in the presence of our Savior. Like Peter, we should be willing to leave behind anything that hinders our relationship with Jesus and eagerly pursue Him with all our hearts.

VI. Abundance in Fellowship

The breakfast prepared by Jesus symbolizes the abundance found in fellowship with Him. Just as He provided breakfast for His disciples, Jesus invites us to share in the abundance of His grace and love, especially in the resurrection power of Easter. This breakfast represents not only physical nourishment but also spiritual sustenance, as Jesus nourishes our souls with His presence and His Word. As we gather around the table with Jesus, we experience the richness of His love and the joy of His fellowship, knowing that He has conquered sin and death and brought us into new life.

VII. Conclusion

As we reflect on the encounter by the sea, let us remember that Easter is not just a historical event but a present reality. Jesus is alive, and He desires a personal relationship with each one of us. He stands on the shore of our lives, ready to guide us, provide for us, and reveal Himself to us in miraculous ways.

If you have never experienced the transforming power of Jesus in your life, or if you have strayed from your relationship with Him, I invite you to respond to His call today. Just as Peter eagerly plunged into the sea to reach Jesus, let us respond with eagerness and surrender.

If you would like to recommit your life to Jesus or accept Him as your Lord and Savior for the first time, I invite you to join me in a moment of prayer. Close your eyes and open your heart to Him:

"Lord Jesus, I confess that I am a sinner in need of Your forgiveness and grace. I believe that You died on the cross for my sins and rose again from the dead. I surrender my life to You and invite You to be the Lord of my life. Come into my heart, forgive my sins, and make me new. Thank You for Your love and for the gift of eternal life. In Your name, I pray, Amen."

If you prayed that prayer sincerely, I want to congratulate you on your decision. The Bible tells us that when we confess with our mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in our heart that God raised Him from the dead, we will be saved. Welcome to the family of God!

For those who have already accepted Jesus as their Savior, I encourage you to renew your commitment to Him and to seek His presence daily. Let us continue to grow in our relationship with Jesus, walking in obedience to His Word and sharing His love with others.

As we close, remember that Jesus is always with us, guiding us, providing for us, and filling our lives with abundance. May we go forth from this place with hearts full of gratitude and faith, ready to share the good news of Easter with a world in need of hope and redemption. Amen

 Stay blessed and rapturable!



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